This is a flavorful , easy and quick recipe! The surprise is the technique to maintain the color of the vegetable.
Ingredients for 4 servings : 600gr fresh broccoli , vegetable broth, olive oil , salt and ground black pepper to taste.
Directions : the first step it is to cut in small pieces fresh broccoli .
Separate the dark green part (the flowers) from the light green (the shank) , because they need to boil for a different duration.
After cutting and washing them put the pieces of shank in a big pot with boiling salted water. Now the secret to maintain the color of the vegetables it is to put a lot of salt in the water . Don’t worry broccoli will not be salted because they must boil for few minutes only . Boil the shank for 5/8 minutes, take out a piece and control the consistence with hands . When they have finished put the flowers and leave them in boiling water for 2/4 minute , control the consistence with hands to. Wash again the vegetables with running water to rinse off the salt. Saute all the broccoli in a saucepan with two tablespoons of olive oil.
Pour the vegetables into a blender, filling the pitcher no more than halfway full and add vegetable broth to your taste (about 200gr).
Add salt and ground black pepper to your taste .
If you want a more creamy soup you can add béchamel sauce.